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Agricultural Commission Minutes 09-21-10
Town of Bolton Agricultural Commission
Meeting Minutes
Date: 21 September 2010
63 Main Street
978 779-2297 or 779-3308
Sue Storbeck 779-6020 Term Exp 6/30/2011
Barbara Parente 779-6303 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Betsy Taylor-Kennedy 779-5213 Term Exp 6/30/2012
Richard Pelletier 779- Term Exp 6/30/2013
Open Term Exp 6/30/2013

A meeting of the Bolton Agricultural Commission was held on 21 September, 2010 at Town Hall. The meeting
was called to order at 7:32 pm. Commission members in attendance: Sue Storbeck, Barbara Parente, Richard
Pelletier, and Betsy Taylor-Kennedy.
The June 15 minutes were read by members and approved.
Reports from liaisons to Town Boards/Commissions
Board of Health (Storbeck): Sue attended the recent BOH meeting; no current issues for AgCom.
§ Planning Board (Open): Sue checked with the PB on the following issues:
1. Wetherbee, Old Harvard Rd: Land is in 61A. Owners want to develop part of 20? acres
(ed note: 16.82 acres on spreadsheet) common drive or FOSPRD as options, maybe retain hay
2. Ashetino, Rte. 85: 20 acres, abuts Boy Scout property, not agricultural, wooded land with 2
vernal pools, wetlands, stream. Boy Scouts would like to have a buffer around their property.
3. Lord, Annie Moore Rd: Owner wants to carve out a house lot, ANR (approval not required).
BOS not interested, too small for ComCom or AgCom involvement.
4. Houghton Farm development, Sugar Rd: ConCom is reviewing a Conservation Restriction for
5 acres; AgCom to receive written copies of the CR. Sue will contact Herb Colby, and schedule
time with Carol to show her the existing trails on the Houghton Farm property.
§ Board of Selectmen (Pelletier): Nothing to report.
§ Conservation Commission (Parente): Barbara talked to Kevin Lord, Chair of ConCom, and asked that
AgCom be part of the review process. We also need to make Planning Board aware that we want to be
involved in their process, too. The group discussed how to go about getting AgCom included in the
initial phases of new projects. Barbara to check with Jennifer to clarify the path a developer takes when
initiating a project in Bolton.
§ Conservation Trust (Taylor-Kennedy): BCT is apprised of the planning issues listed above, and is
involved as is appropriate. Long-range conservation projects are on-going.
Old Business
Follow-up on meeting with Susan Latham, Animal Control: Susan Latham has been calling Sue S.
almost every day. There has been a flurry of reports of horses on the loose. Sue S. talked to Nan
Norseen, as many of the recent escapees are from her farm. Nan will repair the fences and have them
inspected. Sue S. to organize an inspection team—Building Inspector, Police, Animal Control, AgCom.
Sue called Amy Clark at Essex Equine to get advice for the town on what to do when horses (and other
animals) get loose. Sue will meet with her. Jay at Century Mill Stables has agreed to host a large animal
training session. The town will have to decide who would attend the training (Police, Fire, ?). Sue
Latham checked with surrounding towns and found that none of them have animal rescue plans in place.
Sue S. called Cheryl Ekstrom from the Farm Bureau; Cheryl is researching other towns’ policies.
Barbara will contact Tom Moses to see if the town’s emergency plan includes animals.
§ “Right to Farm” signs: Barbara met with sign designer, Lyn Rodger. She agreed to make the Right to
Farm sign design available to another town for $200 (with other town’s name). Minor changes to the
design would be an additional fee. Sue will let Farm Bureau Rep and Stow AgCom know. AgCom
would receive a finder’s fee from Lyn Rodger of 15%. In order for AgCom to accept the fee, it would
have to be made as a gift through the BOS, earmarked for AgCom. (Likewise, if we want to “sponsor”
a Farmers’ Dinner or Taste of Bolton, we would have to partner with a non-profit group who would
collect the money, then “gift” it to BOS, earmarked for AgCom. As a town board, we cannot hold a
§ A Taste of Bolton: Sept 2011. Rich will talk to farmers to find the best time to schedule a harvest
§ Agricultural Holiday Sale: As an alternative to the Holiday Sale, the group discussed holding a series
of exhibits at the Winery over several weekends in November. Because of space constraints, a few
crafts and/or products would be exhibited at a time. Types of crafts should not overlap those of the
Bolton Artisans Guild.
§ First Parish Church Calendar: Barbara sent written material and photos, Betsy sent photos, so the
committee has everything they need.
§ Fifth Candidate for AgCom: Barbara checked with Barbara Donato about joining the AgCom; she
declined. Barbara D. would be willing to participate in a short-term project. Betsy and Barbara talked
to Steve Hastings, who also declined. Rich agreed to email a couple of other potential candidates.
§ Community Compost project—Sue to provide update next month.
§ Farmstand directional signs: tabled to October.
New Business
2011 Budget: Budget spending plan tabled to next month.
Goals and Activities (aka Monster List): Review and update existing list of accomplishments and
future goals next month.
Future Meetings/Events
Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 19 at 7:30 pm at Town Hall.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm.